
"Eventually". It helps us practice patience...

In some regards, I consider this a fail blog. But please, by no means associate this fail-ness with my ability to commit to things. Really, I'm a commit-er. More like an over commit-er, and as we all know, there are just those things in life that always end up on the back burner. Try as we might to put them first, or to just get them done and out of the way, they always end up shoved to the back of the line, not unloved, by any means, just not a priority.

The last shall be first and the first shall be last...

That was a longer rant than I expected, all just to explain why I haven't really been keeping up with this. I have a journal to prove that I have been alive and living life over these past {almost} two months. In the meantime though, I've been looking at thousands of other blogs keeping myself occupied. Most of these internet findings are to amuse myself as I sit on the computer for approximately four or more hours a day. I never thought I'd say this... but facebook just gets boring after awhile. And somehow peering into the lives of strangers (only seeing as much as they allow me to see through blogging) is somewhat satisfying and fascinating. It is amazing how creative some people are through writing and how some people are able to do this for a living! I can't even imagine... well, maybe I could. But I'm out of practice.
And then I realize how much of their lives people put on these things and I get weirded out. My life is not a public display piece. So perhaps, subconsciously that's why I've been avoiding this thing.

I make a lot of excuses. Or perhaps their just chains of thought, cause and effect. It's hard to tell the difference sometimes.

Yesterday I experienced more excitement than I have in a very long time. I am the proud new owner of a Nikon D40, my first SLR camera. I've been looking at this purchase for almost 3 months now, so it was a very exciting day, indeed. Now I just need to practice, which I'm sure will be at Erica's graduation party coming up. Just what I need... a new hobby. At least I'll have good photos to prove it.

So Messiah College is currently invaded by about 900 smelly, high-energy, loud, soccer and basketball boys. I swear there is a green cloud hovering above campus, the odor is nauseating, and it's only day one. Lord knows that having them all bathe properly would be nothing short of a miracle. It's even more fun when we all eat in Lottie together at the same time, even better when they all decide to bring their trays up at the same time. Poor dish room dosen't have a chance. My good deed for the day involved cleaning up the trays that were just laying on the floor and on tables, left by impatient kids. I was in the dining hall for 25 minutes, in that time 5 broken plates. Must be a record...

I sit here and phone for 4 or more hours a day. I get to talk to the most awkward, fun, and mean people this country has to offer. I love the admissions office. I could totally work here. Someone remind me again why I am music education? Did I pick my major too soon? Aren't people supposed to have a 'major' crisis during their freshman year?!
I always was a late bloomer.