It should come as
no surprise that I enjoy music. I mean, it’s special stuff. But if
theres something I love more than music, it would have to include
building playlists, or combining music to make/sing/explain the
perfect messages. I emphatically believe that creating a mix CD for someone is like, the most personal gift you could ever give them.
I recently had a professor who was super gung-ho about using and interpreting song lyrics as representations for the
process of human development (a little too overkill for my liking).
It was the final question on the final exam that led me to an epic
idea. The idea was to create a “mantra playlist”. You know,
like songs that basically defined your life and/or presented solid
philosophies to live by or discussed consistent struggles that occur in the
listeners life. It's going to be an epic playlist. It's a playlist that is so individual and unique that if one of my friends
was mandated to listen straight through it [without knowing what it was], and asked to identify who
that entire set list is describing they would be able to say “ooh
that’s totes Kayla”. Now given the great dynamic of the project,
it’s going to take some time to put the entirety of it together. There's only a certain amount of space that can be put on a CD, and it's an average of 19 songs. What 19 songs are going to make the cut? Call it my new years resolution to figure out that epic question.
This one song, however, definitely makes the cut. I end up crying every time I hear it. EVERY TIME. Even since
the first time I heard it in a company headquarters in Beijing over a
year ago, the tears sparked and haven’t stopped yet. If this isn't the ultimate definition of life, I don't know what is.
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